Your Home may be repossessed if you do not keep up repayments on your mortgage
It’s time for moving home, but how do you take the next step?
Thinking of moving house? Buying something bigger, downsizing after your children have grown up and flown the nest, moving closer to family or you’ve just seen the house of your dreams??
If you wish to move house, let us help with your mortgage. If the time has come for you to move, it’s time to talk to us.
When you decide to use getMortgage as your mortgage advisor, we want to make sure you’re always getting a product that suits your needs.

Planing to move house - what happens to my mortgage?
If you’ve got mortgage but want to move from your house, this should be relatively easy, as most mortgages are portable, meaning that you can transfer them from the property that you originally borrowed against to the home to which you want to move.
Alternatively, if you’re moving home, this could be a great opportunity for you to look around for a better mortgage deal. Many homeowners look at remortgaging when moving house, to get a lower interest rate.
The best way to handle the situation is to involve mortgage broker, when you are first thinking about moving and see what they advise.